Wednesday, July 19, 2017


When you boil away the fat by walking thousands of feet and looking around and around, the question Galileo was asking in his prison cell when the pope locked him up for a new fact (that offended God?!?!?) boils down to simply this: How can smart people convince dumb people that brains are not spleens?

Or: Why do dumb guys lock up smart guys for new ideas?

Obviously, this is no fun for the smart guys.

But how much fun is this for the dumb guys?

Are they too dumb to have fun? ‘Cause it’s way more fun to have new idea than it is to kill a new idea.

Not that “dumb” and “smart” are the best ways to frame it. Let’s say curious. The curious love a good question. What’s the antonym of curious? Whatever it is, they want to kill a good question. Open doors are the enemy of closed-mindedness.

Not that you can kill it. The good ideas springs from inevitability, the eternal springs of the bright blue future, and you foil it at your peril.

Springs. What all your feet oughta be bouncing around on. Spring forth. It’s amazing. Whatever it is.

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